How to backup Cisco WLC (Wireless controller)

We can get corrupted configuration due to any reason, that time a Backup file helps. Backup is very important for networking devices, so we can restore the configuration if any situations comes .

In Cisco devices, like Router, Switch or Firewall, very easy to take a backup or restore the configuration file using TFTP. We just need to press #Copy running-config tftp:

But if we talk about the WLC (Wireless Controller), it’s not easy like Router or not too complicated. You have to remember some steps.

Let’s Start from CLI mode: –

  1. Open WLC in CLI mode and type Credentials: –
  2. Type below commands step by step: –


WLC >transfer upload mode tftp

WLC >transfer upload datatype config

WLC >transfer upload filename wlc-backup-17-07-2017

WLC >transfer upload path .

WLC >transfer upload serverip

WLC >transfer upload start


Mode……………………………………… TFTP

TFTP Server IP……………………………..

TFTP Path…………………………………. ./

TFTP Filename……………………………… wlc-backup-2017-07-17

Data Type…………………………………. Config File

Encryption………………………………… Disabled


***  WARNING: Config File Encryption Disabled  ***


Are you sure you want to start? (y/N) y

TFTP Config transfer starting.





File transfer operation completed successfully


From the GUI: –

  1. Start your TFTP server: –


  1. Open you WLC Portal and Choose COMMANDS and then Upload File: –

Open Upload

  1. Select File Type, You can also select configuration file encryption option. Using this we have to mention the Encryption key which will use to decrypt the file.

transfer mode_upload

  1. Select Transfer Mode:- TFTP
  2. Mention the server details like:-

TFTP Server IP:-

File Path:- Mention ./

File Name:- (Destination File Name)

transfer mode_upload


  1. Click on Upload.

upload click

  1. Now File transfer will start and will be done with in some time.



Restore Backup File using GUI: –

  1. Start your TFTP server:
  2. Open you WLC Portal and Choose COMMANDS and then Download: 
  3. Select File Type, You have to select configuration file encryption option if the file has in an encrypted format and have to mention the encryption key to decrypt the configuration after restore.

Select Download File

  1. Select Transfer Mode:- TFTP
  1. Mention the details like:-

TFTP Server IP:-

File Path:- Mentions ./

File Name:- (Destination File Name)

  1. Click on Download and it will ask you to reboot the controller after successfully transferred the configuration.

Download Click

  1. Now backup restore will be done in some time.



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